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Britain’s workers need to save more

Your Money
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Your Money

Report reveals the daily struggle faced by employers and employees as they seek to balance business priorities against personal financial needs.

The challenge of getting Britain’s workers saving for their retirement is highlighted in Aviva’s first Working Lives Report, which reveals the daily struggle faced by employers and employees as they seek to balance business priorities against personal financial needs.

The report found that many employers (70%) are aware of pension reform changes but 68% of employees have little or no knowledge of automatic enrolment.

43% of employees currently without a pension said they would remain in a scheme once they were automatically enrolled – but opt outs could be significant.

Employees were most concerned (53%) about how their pay compares to the cost of living, while employers worried most about keeping up with the competition (58%).

More than half (56%) of employees agreed that pensions were the best way to save for retirement but 55% of employees without one said they simply don’t have the cash to save.