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Interactive Investor launches £100 cashback and free trades offer

Paloma Kubiak
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Interactive Investor has launched three deals for new and existing customers worth up to £100 each.

The investment platform has set out details of three new offers for customers in a bid to help them make their money work harder amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The offers include:

£100 cashback for ISA transfers

This deal is available to both new and existing II customers and those who transfer £20,000 or more up until 31 October will receive the £100 cashback on completion.

Interactive Investor said this isn’t a tiered deal so any amount over £20,000 which is transferred will get the flat £100 cashback deal.

Customers need a linked II trading account to receive the award which should be paid within 30 days and the ISA must remain open for at least 12 months. It excludes Junior ISA transfers.


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£100 worth of free trades

This deal is only available to new II customers who open a trading account, ISA, and/or a SIPP until 31 October.

It confirmed there’s no minimum balance required, and the trading credits will be added within five working days.

The credits expire on 31 December 2020. They can be used to offset commission; to buy or sell shares, funds, bonds, gilts, ETFs and for dividend reinvestments.

Zero SIPP fees for six months

This offer is for both new and existing customers who open a new SIPP and Interactive Investor will waive the usual £10 a month SIPP fee until April 2021.

However, all other fees associated with managing the SIPP account continue to apply.

Moira O’Neill, head of personal finance at Interactive Investor, said: “With low interest rates, stock market uncertainty, and an ongoing dividend drought, savers have their work cut out if they want to get their money working harder. That includes looking for the best value, because charges can make a huge dent in your investments and curtail your dreams and aspirations. Our fair flat fees have always offered excellent value for money, and this trio of special offers is a helpful incentive in these difficult times.

“The coronavirus crisis has forced many people to think about their own personal finances. As the cloud of uncertainty remains on the horizon, now is a good time to review every aspect of your finances to make sure that your money is working hard for you.”