Credit Cards & Loans
Freshers urged to get finances in place
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Emma LunnStudents in England still have time to get their student loans sorted for the 2019/20 academic year.
The Student Loans Company (SLC) has reminded students starting university in September – especially those going through “clearing” – to get their student finance in place as soon as possible.
Clearing matches applicants to university places that are yet to be filled. It’s available to anyone who has made a UCAS undergraduate application and doesn’t hold any offers.
You’ll be eligible for clearing if: you apply for university after 30 June; you are not holding any offers from universities or colleges you’ve applied to; or your place is not confirmed after A-level results are published.
This year’s A-level results came out last week. Last year saw 55,000 people apply for student finance after they had received their exam results.
Derek Ross, SLC‘s director of operations, said: “It is important that students complete their finance applications as soon as possible to ensure that their first payments are received at the start of term. The sooner they submit their application the sooner we can get their student finance in place.
“Those students who have already applied for student finance but want to change their course, university or college should update their details on their online account at”
Tips for students going through clearing
Have your National Insurance number and UK passport details to hand before you start your online application as you will be asked for this information as part of the process.
Keep a note of the email address you use when applying for student finance and make sure you choose a password you’ll remember. You’ll be able to check the progress of your application, update your details and check your payments from your online account.
Visit the dedicated student finance clearing page on Gov.UK
Apply for student finance as soon as possible as it can take six weeks to process an application. Student Finance England will make an initial assessment so you have some money as close to the start of your course as possible.