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Drivers pay over £2 a litre for fuel at motorway forecourts

Paloma Kubiak
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Drivers filling up at motorway service stations are paying the “previously unthinkable” average of £2 a litre.

On 14 June 2022, the average price of petrol rose to 186.59p per litre – up from 185.44ppl the previous day.

For diesel drivers, the average price has risen from 191.21ppl to 192.48ppl on Tuesday.

This takes the cost of filling up an average 55-litre family car to £103 – just days after it broke the £100 barrier. And for diesel drivers, it means forking out £106 to fill up a tank.

However, for those filling up at motorway service station, the pump prices have already passed the £2 a litre mark.

‘Drivers up against the wall’

RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams, said: “New records in the average price of petrol have been set every day for the last month with a litre rising 21p which has added more than £11 to a tank.


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“RAC analysis of the cost of wholesale diesel shows it appears to be heading inexorably towards a previously unthinkable average of £2 a litre. Unfortunately, it has already crossed this threshold at motorway services. So far this month diesel has increased by 10p a litre while unleaded has jumped by a shocking 12.5p. Wholesale petrol price data indicates pump prices should begin to slow but they are still likely to progress towards 189p in the meantime.

“Drivers appear to be up against the wall when it comes to high fuel prices, especially as the pound has lost so much ground on the dollar in the last week which is bad news as fuel is traded in dollars. The oil price too remains stubbornly high at $120 a barrel.

“We hope the government will now accept that it is the dramatic rise in wholesale prices that has led to forecourt misery for millions and act to ease their financial pain.”