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Passport fees hiked from today

Paloma Kubiak
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Travelers applying for a new adult or child passport will pay higher rates as of today (Wednesday 2 February).

The Government’s revised passport fees will apply for all applicants from Wednesday 2 February 2023 – the first time in five years that the price has increased.

Those applying for the first time or renewing their passport will now pay the following:

  • The fee for a standard online application made from within the UK will rise from £75.50 to £82.50 for adults
  • The fee for a standard online application made from within the UK will rise from £49 to £53.50 for children
  • Postal applications will increase from £85 to £93 for adults
  • Postal applications will increase from £58.50 to £64 for children.

Meanwhile, the Home Office and HM Passport Office also said priority service fees are being “aligned” so all customers pay the same.

Previously, adults, veterans (those born on or before 2 September 1929), and children using a priority service paid differing amounts above the cost of their respective standard application fee.

Under the changes which take effect today, the priority service part (the extra paid above the standard application fee) will now be levelled.


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This means the Fast Track service will cost an extra £72.50 (a total of £155 for adults and £126 for children), while the Online Premium service will be £111 (a total of £193.50 for adults).

It also confirmed that overseas standard paper applications will increase from £95.50 to £104.50 for adults and £65.50 to £71.50 for children.

Passport fee hike: ‘Reducing reliance on general taxation’

The Government said the new fees will help the Home Office “move towards a system that meets its costs through those who use it, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation”.

It added that the Government does not make any profit from the cost of passport applications.

Further, it said the fees will also contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas, including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders.

“The increase will also help enable the Government to continue improving its services”, it said.

A spokesperson, added: “The British passport is an invaluable document that allows millions of citizens to travel around the world.

“For the first time in five years, we are increasing the cost of applying for a passport, which will enable us to keep investing-in our efficient and secure passport services, and keep improving the quality-of-service British travelers receive.”

Since January last year, over 95% of standard applications have been processed within 10 weeks, but travelers are advised to apply in good time.

Related: The passport rule catching out Brits