Churchill offers partial car insurance refunds

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Emma LunnChurchill Insurance is offering customers driving less during lockdown a partial refund on their car insurance policy.
If your car is insured with Churchill you may be able to get some money back from the insurer by filling in a form on its website.
Churchill is urging customers driving less than normal to get in touch.
A statement on its website says: “Your insurance premium is partially based on estimated mileage, so if you’re not on the road as much, it’s only fair you get some money back.”
Any refund will be calculated based on the difference between the mileage customers stated when they took the policy out and the mileage customers declare they are doing in the lockdown period.
The refund will cover the whole lockdown period. Churchill is calculating the refunds based on the reduced mileage customers tell it about, and the fact it is expecting reduced car usage to continue for up to six months.

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There’s no need to contact Churchill when lockdown ends as it will assume your mileage will return to normal.
If you pay for your policy annually, Churchill will send the refund to the card or bank account you used to pay for your policy. If you pay for your policy monthly, the insurer will automatically spread the refund over your remaining monthly instalments.
Refunds will be paid within 30 days of the request.
DriveSure telematics customers don’t need to do anything as Churchill will automatically arrange refunds for any reduced mileage during the Coronavirus lockdown.
It’s important to note that even if you’re not driving your car, it’s a legal requirement for your vehicle to be insured, unless it has been registered with a SORN and is declared “off the road” with the DVLA.
If you declare your car off the road and temporarily no longer require cover, Churchill can suspend your policy.
Other insurers offering drivers refunds include LV= and Admiral.