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Share Centre share of the week: Porvair

Joanna Faith
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Graham Spooner, investment research analyst at The Share Centre, picks Porvair as share of the week.

“This week is Good Money Week, promoting investments that benefit society and the environment, as a results we suggest environmental technology group Porvair as a share of the week. The group has operations in the UK, US, Germany and China, and supplies to a range of market sectors through its main divisions of microfiltration and metals filtration.

“Interim results in June reported a 10% increase in pre-tax profit to £4.2m. The dividend was increased by 8% to 1.3 pence. An update in September reported trading and profits to be in line with expectations. We like the fact that the group’s products are specialist and benefit the environment in areas such as emission controls, and providing protection for larger systems. In turn, many of the products need to be replaced or serviced regularly. In order to grow the business the group has expanded its facilities in the UK and US, which in turn has attracted new customers. Recent orders have come from India, South Korea and the US.

“For investors we see this this is a higher risk, smaller company that is establishing a niche for itself in regulated markets that continue to grow and has a good track record in earnings growth.”
