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Revealed: the best place to sell a family home

Joanna Faith
Written By:
Joanna Faith

It’s easy and quick to sell your home in some parts of England and Wales, while it can take up to a year in others. So where are the hotspots?

There isn’t much you can do about the location of your current family home, but it’s worth knowing that some areas are easier to sell a property in than others.

And top of the pile is Reading, according to a new study by Quick Move Now, where family homes sell in an average of just 64 days. In second place is Bristol where it takes 74 days followed by Worthing where it takes 87 days.

North South divide

Family homeowners in London and the South East are more optimistic of achieving a quick sale, with most (68%) expecting to receive an acceptable offer for their property within one month of putting it on the market.

Taking England and Wales as a whole, the majority of family home sellers (56%) anticipate they will be shaking hands with a buyer between one month and three months after putting their property on the market.

But 71% of vendors putting family homes up for sale in Wales anticipate waiting more than three months to receive an acceptable offer for their property.

Danny Luke, Quick Move Now managing director, said: “Our findings show that hopes for a swift property sale by family homeowners vary considerably from one region to another.

“Expectations are the highest in London and the South-East with many vendors optimistic of exchanging contracts quickly, including in Reading which is now the hottest place to sell a house throughout England and Wales.”