This is the most claimed for item on home insurance policies
What gets damaged most often in our homes and what costs the most to repair or replace?
The most claimed for item on UK home insurance in 2016 was ruined carpet, often the result of a spillage, according to Churchill Insurance.
Mobile phones were the second most accident-prone possession, accounting for a fifth of the top 10 accidental claims in 2016.
Computers, televisions and smaller electrical items (such as hairdyers) made up the top five most claimed for items.
Churchill said the majority of claimed for items were for over £600 last year, highlighting the importance of taking contents cover.
Costly claims
Surprisingly, jewellery was only the fifth most costly claim made last year.
Sofas ranked top in the list of most expensive claims, followed by watches, laminate flooring and even fishing equipment outranked jewellery.
Martin Scott, head of Churchill home insurance, said: “Accidents are, by definition, unexpected but it is important that customers understand their needs.
“If they are unsure about what they are covered for on their current policy, they should seek clarification from their insurer. However, when choosing the type of cover needed, it is also important to consider the excess that customers would be willing to pay, in the event of a claim.
“This way if an accident does occur, customers can be reassured that they will not be faced with the full cost of fixing an item or having it replaced.”