Revealed: the winners of the Awards 2022

Discover which financial services providers offered the very best products and services over the past 12 months.
The awards identify and reward those financial services providers which stand out from the crowd in terms of the price and quality of the products they offer, the ease of the user experience on their websites, the accessibility of their telephone services and overall customer support. All the contenders are put through a rigorous judging process and are mystery-shopped by the public.
Congratulating this year’s winners, editor, Paloma Kubiak, said: “A huge congratulations to all the winners of the 24th annual awards. In today’s competitive market, consumers rightly expect fair pricing, excellent customer service and product quality. These are the firms that have made it through the rigorous judging process to be crowned winners of their category. Well done and keep up the good work.”
See below for all the winners of the Awards 2022: