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Mortgages remain out of reach for under 35s

Julia Rampen
Written By:
Julia Rampen

Householders under the age of 35 made up less than 20% of mortgage holders but half of all private renters, according to the English Housing Survey 2011-12.

While roughly three-fifths of private renters said they expected to buy a property, only half expected to do so within the next five years.

The majority of owner occupiers with a mortgage were between 35 and 54, while 83% were in full-time work. Just fewer than three-quarters were living with a partner, and two-fifths of these also had children.

Over two-thirds of white households were owner occupiers, followed by 61% of households of Indian origin and 57% of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin.

Roughly half a million households had members who had previously given up a home due to difficulties in paying the mortgage.

Some 59% of those who had given up a home had sold it, either to avoid getting into arrears with the mortgage or to avoid court action by their lender.

In 41% of cases the mortgage lender had taken over the property, either through a court order or when the household had left voluntarily.
