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How life insurance can benefit your health and wellbeing over the decades

Post Office
How life insurance can benefit your health and wellbeing over the decades
Your Money
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You may think life insurance simply covers your loved ones in the event of your diagnosis of a terminal illness or death, but Post Office Life Insurance also offers free and valuable health and wellbeing services for the benefit of policyholders.

No-one likes to think about death but it’s important to plan to ensure you and your loved ones are protected following a terminal diagnosis or in the tragic event of your passing.

Key events such as taking out a mortgage, getting married or having children may act as a catalyst to take out life insurance so you can be assured that if the worst happens, a lump sum can ease the financial burden for family members at an already emotional time.

Indeed, four in 10 readers said they took out life insurance specifically to cover mortgage costs in the event of their death, while 38% said they were spurred on to buy a policy to protect their family, knowing that a lump sum would be paid to meet their financial needs.

A new breed of life insurance

In the main, the financial benefit of life insurance falls to those left behind, rather than the policyholder. This is because life insurance pays out in the event of death, or terminal illness when a claim is made.

However, life insurance from Post Office does more. Award-winning Post Office Life Insurance can be used for the benefit of the policyholder during their lifetime too.

With the majority of readers (38%) taking out life insurance in their twenties, followed by 33% in their thirties, policyholders can benefit from health and wellbeing help and support in the decades before loved ones ever have to make a claim.

These value-added services with life insurance from an established and well trusted brand such as Post Office could prove valuable to policyholders and their families for the here and now.

Further, you may have a ‘death-in-service’ policy at work, but as it’s pegged to your salary and is dependent on your continuing employment, having a separate life insurance policy protects you as long as you need, for as much as you need.

Award-winning life insurance from Post Office

Post Office has won the Best Life Insurance Provider category at the Personal Finance Awards 2022 for 14 years in a row.

Underwritten and administered by Scottish Friendly Assurance Society Limited, Post Office life insurance is arranged and sold by Neilson Financial Services Limited, all known names in the industry.

Cover is available under a single or joint policy for those aged between 18 and 70. The maximum benefit amount stands at £750,000 depending on the age of applicants.

Post Office offers three different policy types to suit your lifestyle and budget:

Level option – The benefit amount and premium will remain fixed throughout the duration of the policy

Increasing benefit option – Keeps up with the effects of inflation so that the benefit amount automatically increases each year on the policy anniversary in line with the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure of inflation. The premium amount will also automatically increase by 1.4x the rate.

Decreasing option – Primarily for those who want to cover their repayment mortgage over a five- to 40-year term, with the amount decreasing each month until it reaches zero.

Added benefits with Post Office life insurance for the ‘here and now’

We all know that life cover is there to support your loved ones should the worst happen, but at Post Office, there’s more to it than just financial protection.

That’s why when you choose Post Office Life Insurance or Over 50s Life Cover, you’ll have access to Post Office Health and Wellbeing services provided by MediPartner.

The free value-added health and wellbeing service is designed with your physical and mental wellness in mind. There’s no additional fee for this separate service as the costs are wholly absorbed by Post Office to provide an additional benefit to policyholders, allowing you and your family to benefit, which can be accessed without ever having to make a claim on your policy

You, your partner/spouse and children up to the age of 21 will have 24/7 access to an online UK-based GPs and physiotherapists, nutrition and fitness guidance, as well as a mental health and health support 365 days a year. Don’t worry all GPs are General Medical Council registered.

Unlimited access to the free health and wellbeing services

Given the frustration over GP appointment booking systems and NHS waiting lists, Post Office health and wellbeing service can also help you cut the queues as well as navigate the NHS system. Plus, they can guide you through medical jargon, so you fully understand your health journey from start to finish.

According to Medipartner, it has seen increased usage of the services, particularly for the help the nurse team is able to provide customers in navigating increasingly complex and time-consuming pathways, following referral from a GP. Of those who access the wellbeing service, 81% used the GP service, 10% have used the physio while 9% use the nurse champion.

Policy holders also have unlimited access to the service so there’s no limit on how many times you can seek support. Indeed, Medipartner revealed life insurance customers used the GP service an average 1.3 times in the two months to September, 1.7 times for physio and 5.3 times for the nurse service.

All Health and Wellbeing services are provided as an extra to policy holders for free however these may be withdrawn at any time as they dont form part of the policy contract.

"Of those who access the wellbeing service, 81% used the GP service, 10% have used the physio while 9% use the nurse champion."
-   Medipartner

Optional extras and a £100 gift card for new life insurance policies

Post Office also offers optional critical illness cover for an additional premium which helps pay a lump sum if you suffer from a defined critical illness such as cancer or a heart attack, providing extra financial support while you’re recovering. There’s also an optional children’s cover at an additional cost which is designed to help cover extra costs such as medical expenses if your child suffers accidental death or a specified serious injury or illness.

Further, as a ‘thank you’ for choosing life insurance from Post Office, customers will be given the choice of a £100 Tesco, M&S or Amazon gift card. And if you apply for cover by 9 March 2025, you’ll also get an extra £30 Winter Warmer Cashback.  You can find out more here

With life insurance such an important aspect of financial planning for you and your loved ones, starting the process early can actually benefit you during your lifetime, and not just your family after your death.

However, it’s important to review your cover amount against your current needs, particularly if you took out life insurance earlier rather than later. Your needs and standard of living may have changed such as with having children, buying a bigger house or due to other financial responsibilities.

Gone are the days of buying a policy and having your nearest and dearest dust off the detail if tragedy strikes. Now, you can help look after yourself both physically and mentally during the term of your cover and have peace of mind that when you pass away, your family will be financially protected too.