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Complaints about big six energy firms fall for first time since 2013

Paloma Kubiak
Written By:
Paloma Kubiak

Complaints about the UK’s big six energy firms fell by 1.5 million in 2015, though repeat offender Npower maintained is position as most complained about provider.

According to energy regulator Ofgem’s 2015 complaint data, the big six suppliers (British Gas, EDF, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE) received just under five million complaints, a 24% reduction, or 1.5 million fewer than the amount recorded in 2014.

Ofgem said it was the first time complaint numbers have fallen since it first started recording data in 2013.

Npower received the most complaints in 2015 with 13,996 per 100,000 customers. However, Ofgem noted complaints about the firm fell each quarter and the total amount received were more than half the number it received in 2014.

SSE came in second place on the list of complaints with 12,900 per 100,000 customers noted last year, while EDF came in third place with 11,842 complaints. Of the big six providers, British Gas had the fewest number of complaints with 9,414 grievances lodged.

Of the smaller independents, Utility Warehouse topped the table notching up 7,636 complaints per 100,000.

On the other end of the scale, Ecotricity received just 1,612 complaints.

An Npower spokesperson said: “While we know we have a lot more to do, we are making progress. As Ofgem has publicly acknowledged, we more than halved complaints last year compared to 2014”.